Cheyenne Mountain Zoo live streams baby giraffe birth

8 year old giraffe Bailey at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, Colorado Springs, gives birth for the first time on live stream to 1.2 million. With inconclusive tests, it is funny that Zoo staff were still unsure if Bailey was pregnant even a week ago using the hashtag #MaybeBaby.

You can still catch the moment that Bailey gives birth on the live stream if you rewind to September 28, 2020, 11:37am local time (displayed on screen). If you are looking for the more adorable moments to show kids, Bailey is cleaning her new calf at around 12:20pm.

Update: Cheyenne Mountain Zoo has posted additional videos of the birth, but no longer available on live stream.

Birth at 1:32:34
Baby Giraffe cleaned by Bailey
Baby Giraffe takes its first steps
Baby Giraffe first check up, it’s a girl

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