Non-verbal communication is as important as verbal communcication. Guys should learn to read the signs from female body language.

Non-verbal communication is as important as verbal communcication. Guys should learn to read the signs from female body language.
With the huge hype of its release the Apple iPad demands attention and here we like to mock. With a name like iPad this joke was bound to be coming, Apple iPad is a feminine hygiene product.
Why use a maxi-pad when there’s the new iPad from Apple? With the new iPad, I just hook my Apple to my peach and I can download protection for up to a thousand periods. And with wireless blue tooth technology, iPad sets you up for fast uploading without all that water-bloating.
But what if my computer had a virus?
Don’t worry, each iPad comes with pre-installed vaginal firewall protection.
The new Apple iPad. Please don’t make us explain how it works.
source: > > MadTV
. . . while pouring a beer.