A young bear is fought off by two Vietnamese potbelly pigs in New Milford.
Category: video
Ukrainian offers to tow Russian tank back to Russia
In the early days of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, this video shows the Russian logistical problems and a Ukrainian man’s funny exchange with Russian soldiers. Ukrainian man asks if the Russian tank broken down, the soldiers say the Russian tank out of fuel. Ukrainian man offers to tow back to Russia and even elicits a laugh from the soldiers.
Jon Stewart pokes fun at billionaires in Space
To promote his new show coming September Jon Stewart has released a clip starring Jason Alexander as Jeff Bezos to poke fun of the wasteful exploits of billionaires in space. Metaphorical comparing dicks in the real world shown as literal dick shaped space ships in this comedy sketch titled “Cum Dog Billionaires”. Billionaires depicted are Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Richard Branson and Mark Zuckerberg.